vinegar class
Recipe: Vinegar Making Class -
Evan Kleiman

I use a lot of vinegar.  In particular aged red wine vinegar. I love its layered, complex, tart, winey flavor.  If you’ve had my Forte Dressing during the Angeli years you understand why. It used to be fairly easy to find good vinegar even though you have to pay a bit more more

Recipe: Cold Noodles are a Cool Template -
Evan Kleiman

  My improvisational style of cooking involves templates.  Especially when it comes to cold noodles.  I hate thinking of them as "salads" since that implies a "dressing" that is at the forefront.  Instead, they're bowls of cool freshness, or fresh coolness. When it's hot I want a flavor bomb, some spice more

spring veggies
Spring Vegetable Sauté -
Evan Kleiman

This is what spring looks like.  Truly.  So why not make a dish that takes the best of those green, grassy, sweet flavors, adds garlic, great olive oil and a hit of salt and serve it up in one dish? The subtle beauty of all these colors of green tangled more