Berry Pies: Some Filling Tips
Servings Prep Time
8 20minutes
Passive Time
45 – 60 min
Servings Prep Time
8 20minutes
Passive Time
45 – 60 min
  • 4pints fresh berriesblackberries, raspberries, blueberries or a combo
  • Sugar to taste
  • Squeeze of Lemon Juiceto taste
  • 2tbsp AP flour
  • 2tbsp cornstarchOR
  • 1 1/2tbsp cornstarch mixed with
  • 1 1/2tbsp instant clear gel
  1. When preparing berries for a pie spread out a length of parchment paper or paper toweling and turn out the berries from each basket. Pick out and discard any moldy bits or stem ends that might still be clinging to a berry or two.
  2. I don’t wash raspberries or blackberries. They are too fragile to hold up in the water and they are already filled with juice. I don’t want to dilute the flavor or add more liquid to the mix.
  3. After picking through them gently move them to a bowl.
  4. Taste one or two berries for sweetness. Add sugar a tablespoon at a time, tasting after each addition. Once the berries are sweet enough taste one again and decide if you need some acid. If so, add a small squeeze of lemon juice.
  5. Mix the thickening starches you’re using together and sprinkle them on top of the berries. Mix very gently.
  6. Your berries are now ready to be poured into the dough lined pie pan.