Daughter's Granola with yogurt and Muddy Pond Sorghum
Product: Daughter’s Granola -
Evan Kleiman

Ever since I posted my take on Kim Boyce's Chocolate Chip Cookies people have been asking me about Daughter's Granola which I threw into the recipe in lieu of enough flour. The daughter in question is Emilie Coulson.  Her parents have a restaurant in Fish Creek Wisconsin called The White ...read more

last minute gift ideas
Gifts: Last Minute Panic Ideas -
Evan Kleiman

Local food gifts are your answer to the last minute panic of gift buying.  If you think local, like super-local, the neighborhood in which you live I'd wager that there is more than one restaurant, cheese shop, wine store, supermarket that sells packages of Cookies, Candy, Caramels, Granola or Jam, ...read more