Churros at Mercado Olympic
The other day I rang pal Bill Esparza to ask if he had any food adventures coming up. I wanted to tag along. He suggested a 4:30am start to drink spiked hot chocolate with milk straight from the cow’s teat. I had good intentions. I even woke up at 4:15 but signals got crossed and it didn’t happen. My consolation prize was a later in the day meander through the Mercado Olympic, a stretch of Olympic in DTLA also known as Piñata central. Perhaps in the hope that there’s safety in numbers vendors have been congregating there on weekends for several years now. But lately the LAPD has been out in force nearly every two weeks trashing equipment and generally flexing their considerable muscle on folks working quite hard to eke out a living. Legalization people! Legalization! If you’d like to get involved in the movement to legalize street food. The best place to keep up with what’s going on with the legalization of street vending in Los Angeles is on the facebook page here.
Here’s a look at one item it’s currently illegal for you to buy on the street.