City of Gold

 Filmmaker Laura Gabbert's long awaited documentary City of Gold profiling Los Angeles Times writer Jonathan Gold is premiering at Sundance.  The media already had their screening and I was lucky enough to see it a couple of weeks ago. You can read some great one-liners

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SemolinaLA Rigatoni

Made in LA: SemolinaLA

SemolinaLA kickstarter.  Support a talented and tenacious LA maker. I'm a pasta snob.  I admit it and I don't apologize for it.  I believe that great pasta is an Italian cultural artifact that's been given to the world.  And when I talk about pasta I'm

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last minute gift ideas

Gifts: Last Minute Panic Ideas

Local food gifts are your answer to the last minute panic of gift buying.  If you think local, like super-local, the neighborhood in which you live I'd wager that there is more than one restaurant, cheese shop, wine store, supermarket that sells packages of Cookies,

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