Pie Camp at John C. Campbell Folk School
Pie Camp – Catch Up over Dough -
Evan Kleiman

Create your own Pie Camp with friends.  You can do it over a day or two.  Pick a few recipes, get together and bake.  Then take a break and do it again.  Now you're ready to enter a pie.  The contest doesn't have to be about competition.  It can be ...read more

Barbara Swell's Leafy Gallette
Pie: Crust Decor -
Evan Kleiman

I know I still owe you some words about my North Carolina experience but seriously words are hard to find.  So until I find my tongue about a life changing experience here is a little Crust Decor to inspire you.  The above pie was made by Jean Cohen, one of ...read more

John C. Campbell Folk School
John C. Campbell Folk School -
Evan Kleiman

How do you describe an experience you'll remember the rest of your life?  With great difficulty.  My ten day trip to North Carolina was so dense with experience that I have to break it up into manageable parts.  First up is at look at the John C. Campbell Folk School where ...read more

Evan's Pie Dough
Daughter of the Original Craft Chick -
Evan Kleiman

I grew up the daughter of one of the original craft chicks.  Despite moving from Philadelphia to Los Angeles after WWII to seek something new my mom brought with her a love of handwork and innate color sense.  She and my dad built their family in Silverlake amidst a flowering ...read more

Fresh Strawberry Pie
Pie for Valentine’s Day -
Evan Kleiman

It seems that global warming has given Southern California the gift of fresh strawberries earlier than usual.  So why not take the gift and throw together a Fresh Strawberry Pie. It's fast, easy and very pretty and red!  Perfect for the holiday, even if your best valentine is yourself.  I ...read more